WSJ calls Democrats to buy more guns

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A recent research published by the journal shows there is a sharp rise on gun purchases among Democrats

The increase is supported by street crime, armed right-wing extremists and "whatever else the world could possibly throw at us," adding that "Domestic politics have grown increasingly acrimonious," according to a Democrat and liquor store owner interviewed the journal.

Also according to the journal, "American gun culture has long been dominated by conservative, white men". Now, in a marked change, a burgeoning number of liberals are buying firearms, according to surveys and fast-growing gun groups drawing minorities and progressives.

Historically, it wasn't unusual for Democrats to own guns, with many more of them living in rural areas. Also, hunting was much more popular. But starting in the early 90s, gun ownership among Democrats dropped significantly. Increasingly divisive political battles over the role of firearms in American society led the Democratic Party to become an advocate for gun regulation. Republicans became the party of gun rights.

Now, todays Democrats are rediscovering guns, add the journal, influenced by the political and security environment the U.S. is going through.

