Former Brazilian President and criminal convicted will be the new BRICS leader

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Dilma Rousseff was charged, back in 2016, for criminal administrative misconduct, disregarding the Brazilian federal budget, while in presidency

"Love won, above the hate", the slogan of the new leftist President of Brazil, Lula, seens to be strong as never before.

The board of governors of BRICS just elected Ms. Rousseff as the new president of the bank, she will replace Marco Troyjo on March 29th.

Back in 2016 she was convicted, by the brazilian senate, of fraud with the federal budge while she was President of Brazil, and consequently had been impeached.

She is fully affiliated with the brazilian party PT, which belongs to the current President of Brazil.

When Lula won the controversal presidential election back in October 2022, he rushed to place his allies in power of every department. Recently, Lula was giving an interview on TV, expressing his thoughts while he was in jail, which all reflects revange against every one involved in his indiction.

The federal police, recently, arrested 24 members of a faction called PCC for trying to kill the current senator Sergio Moro, who was the judge in charge of the criminal proccess that took Lula to jail.

Brazil currently has 26 approved projects from the bank, in total, the country will have a financing of USD 32.8 bilion.
