A decisive week for the American economy is about to start that could lead to a civil war

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According to an economy study, about 200 banks in the U.S. are following the SVB path

What would happen if your business cashflow, that you keep in the bank, just varnish ... disappear and nobody can cover it, not even the FED. No money for the bills, employees, and regular expenses.

What would happen if you went shopping groceries and the supermarket is not processing credit cards anymore, or even unable to give you changes.

Add to that, a 32 trillion of USD government debit that everybody knows it is unpayable. I know the FED can print some more cash, but It doesn’t help the problem in anyway.

After the 2008 economy issue, the government has step forward a few legislations that would prevent a financial collapse just like the previews one. Today, for example, banks can organize themselves to recover another bank that found its assets melting, but this won’t prevent the affected bank itself for going bankrupt.

These unstable moments push most of the people to look for the “safety”, by withdrawing their cash and putting it on hard assets, like gold, silver, and ammunition. Ammunition? yes it supposedly helps you to get or protect whatever you need in an unrest time.

Did I hear you screaming Crypto? Well, if the exchange company that keeps its cash with banks can’t access their money, then you won’t be able to use crypto anywhere around. Not counting the unpredictable variant of its value.

And to help all of that, there’s the war environment getting bigger and bigger. A U.S. four-star general recently told the news, that a war against China is expected by 2025, count the fact that China is about to provide weapons to Russia use against Ukraine, which is expected to lead into U.S. sanctions against China.

Where could all that escalation lead?

Until the economy situation gets stable, until the war environment gets under control, the expectation is that people will rush for their safety and unrest against their government, potentially leading into a civil war, before the big powers reset everything through the WW3 itself.
