How much the left is paying to put Trump in jail?

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The timeframe to the global agenda 2030 is getting tight and they desperately need another term to keep it on

After the veredict, yesterday (31), which places Trump as guilty on 34 counts, the MSM falsely claim Trump supporters call for rioting and violent retribution. Without any evidence, they claim they saw threats from users on social media.

The "Zombie Case", as called by the Manhattan DAs employees, was built by a "bizarre charging mechanism", "unusual" and political motivated.

It is reported that the Judge in charge of the case has made donations to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operations.

"If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter motivated by politics, rather than justice then anyone is at risk of a similar fate." Elon Musk says on his social media account.

Biden when asked what is his response, as Trump blames him directly for being a "political prisioner", he turns and smile to the reporter, as video below shows:

There is no limit on how much it cost, the globalism is fully corrupted and will push harder to disqualify Trump, assassinate him or even postepone elections by introducing WW3.
